Online kurz anglického jazyka
„Konec věčného začátečníka“
Co vás čeká
Welcome to a history lesson!
I am only joking, this isn’t really a history lesson but it is also about history. We are speaking about the past and about past events which are finished.
And for that, we need a small revision of Modules 1+2 because we make this new tense (past simple tense) from our old friend (present simple tense) and there are only small changes in the sentences.
It is really very easy, so don’t worry and let’s start!
Vítejte v lekci dějepisu!
Dělám si legraci, tohle opravdu není lekce dějepisu, ale je to také o historii. Mluvíme o minulosti a o minulých událostech, které už skončily.
A na to potřebujeme malé opáčko Modulů 1+2, protože tento nový čas (Minulý čas prostý) vyrábíme z našeho starého známého (Přítomný čas prostý) a v větách jsou jen velmi malé změny.
Je to opravdu velmi jednoduché, takže se nebojte a pojďme na to!
Lesson 1: Famous People in History
Past Simple Tense and the Verb BE
Minulý čas prostý a sloveso BÝT
The Verb BE in the Past
Signal Words in the Past
Lesson 2: A Regular Trip to History with Normal Verbs
Regular Verbs in the Past
Pravidelná slovesa v minulosti
Basic Regular Verbs (from our vocabulary)
Lesson 3: An Irregular Trip to History
Irregular Verbs in the Past
Nepravidelná slovesa v minulosti
Basic Irregular Verbs (from our vocabulary)
More Basic Irregular Verbs (not from our vocabulary)
Creative Homework 1
Creative homework 1
Write details about some famous historical person – job, nationality, his or her famous activities, hobbies, family situation, body type, colour of hair etc.
Don’t tell us the name – it is a mystery person again and we can guess who it is.
Napište detaily o nějaké slavné historické osobě – zaměstnání, národnost, jeho nebo její slavné aktivity, koníčky, rodinnou situaci, tělesný typ, barvu vlasů atd.
Neříkejte nám jméno – zase je to ta tajemná osoba a my můžeme hádat, kdo to je.
Creative Homework 2
Creative homework 2
Write about a famous old TV program or show and don’t say the name, too. Tell us about the people in the show, what they did, what they wore, how long it was, what else was there etc.
Try to use the Past Simple and There was/There were.
Napište o známém starém televizním pořadu a neříkejte opět jméno. Řekněte nám o lidech v tom pořadu, co dělali, co měli na sobě, jak dlouhé to bylo, co tam ještě bylo atd.
Pokuste se použít Minulý čas prostý a ten náš falešný podmět také s minulostí There is/There are.
Procvičování na internetu
BE in the Past
A very easy exercise with BE in the past
Complete positive and negative forms of BE
Complete questions with BE
Complete was/were in mixed senteces
Regular Verbs in the Past
Practise regular verbs here
Irregular Verbs in the Past
Complete positive sentences with irregular verbs and these and also here (you can click on More exercises and do more)
Complete irregular verbs – Czech instructions + more exercises under this one
Mix of Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Past
A very easy presentation of regular and irregular verbs with signal words and a small test
Complete positive sentences with regular and irregular verbs in the past
Complete negative sentences with regular and irregular verbs in the past
Complete Yes/No questions with regular and irregular verbs in the past
Make information questions with regular and irregular verbs in the past
Complete information questions with regular and irregular verbs in the past
Is the verb regular or irregular?
Complete sentences and questions with regular and irregular verbs in the past, also here, and here
The same here but in full forms! (vypisujete plné formy, ne zkrácené!)
Complete this crosswords – křížovka
Extra Exercises with Verbs in the Past
Complete the sentences with BE or CAN in the past
Change the phrases with BE and HAVE to the past
Which is the correct signal word?
FOR CURIOUS STUDENTS (pro zvídavé studenty:-) – all 3 forms
Complete different forms (it is for school kids – a typical test for the 3 forms)